Happy Easter everyone:)
The weather has been pretty awful in Northern Ireland this week, we had an ice storm on wednesday and some people were without power until the weekend. Thankfully, the weather has improved drastically today. I saw this cool cloud formation on the way to my parent's this morning:

It looks like the remains of a tornado or something!

Dad indulged my dark chocolate lovin' with a Lindt chocolate bunny.

Mum also gave me bunny-themed things, but not food, as I think she's given up trying to work out what I eat or don't eat. I always gets bunny-themed things, even when it's not Easter. I've always loved rabbits, in fact I have a little pet bunny called Drizzt (named for the hero in R.A. Salvatore's best known Forgotten Realms novels).

I always bring tons of food with me when I go to my parents. Usually two or three mini jars of grains, some seasonings like nutritional yeast or a savoury spread like pesto or hummus, and a big pile of veggies. We normally go out for Easter Sunday dinner, but this year we're not, and I'm glad, because it means I can stay dressed down, and I don't have to go through the whole palaver of ordering vegan food from a set Easter sunday menu. Last year my sister got interrogated by the waiter for not ordering dessert, so I can just imagine what replies I'd get for wanting animal-free food.
So today I'm having more or less what I had last night, a bed of quinoa, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, dressed up with nooch and sunblush tomatoes. Yum. Then the Lindt bunny will be seeing the inside of Dukka Girl, hehe.
As I mentioned in my last post, I went out last night. I did have a drink, but just the one, a daiquiri. I had water and ginger beer after that. Even the one cocktail had my head spinning a bit. That's the problem with cutting down on booze, you turn into such a lightweight. I'll probably have a nice glass of Rioja with dinner today though, but I have gone from being quite a red wine drinker to not very fussed at all. I've got hooked on the clear head the next morning, being able to get up and go for a nice walk instead of waking up late, dehydrated and with a dodgy tummy.
Wow, are the dark choc Lindt bunnies vegan now! I was always so sad when they weren't, they're so cute. I love Rioja too, it's my favourite <3
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to hear someone else is carting bags of food around everywhere! HA! When I go on vacation, I have to pack my clothes, toiletries, AND food. I always feel so dumb.
ReplyDeleteRight on about the light drinking. Way to go on keeping it to one drink. I love what you said about being able to get up with a clear head instead of feeling dehydrated and stomachachy.
Your Drizzt bunny is friggin' adorable. He looks like a toy! So fluffy and happy. :)
@Artichoke- so it seems, there's no animal ingredients, looked the same as the Lindt Excellence 70% bar which is listed as a-ok in the Animal Free Shopper. I suppose that makes the Lindt dark bunny the widest available vegan Easter chocolate (I can't find that dark Divine egg, and I heard recently they're going to change their labelling like G&B did). I got another bunny for my boyfriend last night, now half price in Sainsburys. £2 for 200g of choc is pretty good!
ReplyDelete@Farty Girl; don't feel dumb, it's better than going hungry or getting so hungry you eat whatever and then feeling like crap/unable to crap, heh. Sticking to the one drink wasn't easy! I started off with a soft drink and then when I had a cocktail, everyone just presumed I'd be alcohol-ing the night away. You get the funniest looks when you order camomile tea at last orders! Drinking is plenty of fun, but alcohol always gets the last laugh, mwahahaha!
Drizzt is great, isn't he? He's such a loner bunny, he likes to sit in the greenhouse with his front paws on a ledge, just staring out for hours and hours, whereas my last bunny followed me round at the heel and licked the face off everyone. They're such cool little things:)