That was what I brought back from the allotment last night- two summer squash and a hatful of broad beans:)
The yellow one was nearly as big as my face!
I cooked some soba noodles and threw the broad beans in at the very end. I sauteed the thinly sliced squash with some onion, garlic and plenty of ginger. I threw some collard greens at the end (I have to have a daily dose of brassicas!:))
I sprinkled some sesame seeds on just to make it look cute
A tasty bit of squash. It's so fresh it squeaks when you eat it!
Tonight I roasted the other half of the yellow squash and the whole green one with onions and plenty of thyme. I had it with tomato chilli brown rice and a nut burger.
Training is going more or less to plan although I didn't get to the pool today (the non-speedster lane was closed for a kiddie summer scheme). I'm squeezing my pool session in tomorrow morning and moving my cycling to a little later in the morning and will move sunday's cycle to the afternoon to leave plenty of recovery time. Maca smoothies to the rescue!
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