It started pouring this afternoon, and it's starting to get cold again. And Mondays are always tiring. That means easy-cooked, heart warming comfort food. So it was just as well I had cooked black beans last night, and then fried them up with a bit of onion. Beans are in my book the ultimate (savoury) comfort food. Tonight I added some passata, cumin, oregano and hot sauce to the beans and heated them up, and we had the yummy beans with quinoa and the remains of my lunch salad. I topped it off with soya cream and lime juice to kinda do sour cream. It was great! I had extra hot sauce, enough to raise a sweat, heh. I love it. I tell myself it's good for my circulation and upping my metabolism so I can eat dessert after, hehe. Speaking of which, we got
vegan creme eggs in the post today, hurrah!
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